Colman Perkins News

How Insurance Fraud Is Financing Marijuana Grow Houses

Grow house illustrated in context of insurance fraudLearn about the increasing crime and fraud surrounding marijuana grow houses. Our seminar on Sept. 15, 2020, part of the virtual IASIU conference, explains the calculated steps and costly scams criminals conduct when setting up an industrial operation in a residential neighborhood.

Los Angeles insurance defense attorney Jon Colman and Mike McKee from the National Insurance Crime Bureau reveal the fraudulent steps that begin with a home purchase and can progress to $250,000 in deceptive claims, even in states where marijuana cultivation is legal.

Find out the insurance, legal and law enforcement elements needed to recognize and combat these claims. Join the seminar on Tues., Sept. 15 at 1:30 to 2:20 p.m.

IASIU conference details

More about insurance fraud specialist, Jon Colman
More insurance fraud educational topics