Colman Perkins News

2018 CCNC in Lake Tahoe Takes on ALE Fraud

Colman Law Group is a proud silver sponsor of the 25th Claims Conference of Northern California. The event takes place August 28 to 30 in Lake Tahoe, California.

Attorney Jon Colman will speak on additional living expenses (ALE), an area of insurance fraud that is growing and has traditionally been overlooked.

The risk of false and inflated ALE claims is particularly relevant in light of 2017’s massive catastrophes—100,000 homes damaged in Houston and 3,500 homes and businesses burned in the California wine country. This session details what to watch for and what to do when you suspect ALE fraud.

Jon is joined on the panel by Mike McKee of National Insurance Crime Bureau and Pete Galassi from Mercury Insurance. Mark your conference schedule for this session on Wednesday, August 29 from 9:45 to 10:45.

The conference has lined up a wealth of experts on topics that include large loss fires and mudslides to the role of social media in claims investigation.

Colman Law Group, silver sponsor of 2018 CCNCConference details
CCNC 2018
August 28 – 30
The Village at Squaw Valley
Lake Tahoe, CA

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