Colman Perkins News

Investor Funded Litigation – The Legal and Ethical Issues at RIMS 2019

Boston for RIMS 2019Find out what’s happening with investor funded litigation in the US when attorney Jon Colman presents at RIMS 2019 in Boston.

The practice, which originated in Australia, allows an outside party to fund a participant’s legal claim in exchange for a share of potential proceeds.

Jon, principal and managing partner of Colman Law Group, will examine this method of lawsuit financing, which made its way to the UK and started to catch on in the US 10 years ago. He’ll walk you through the pros and cons, legal and ethical issues, costs, and the types of cases that fit the profile.

This risk management industry conference will feature 400 exhibitors and 300 speakers and is expected to attract 10,000 attendees. Don’t miss it!

RIMS speaker 2019 logoConference details
RIMS 2019
April 28 to May 1, 2019
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
415 Summer Street

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