Colman Perkins News

Insurance Technology – Using EDR Evidence to Combat Fraud

EDR technology used in insurance claimsLog on to the Anti-Fraud Alliance Dec. 8, 2020 training for two hours of what’s new and notable in the use of automobile event data recorders.

The virtual program presents a panel of experts who will share the capabilities of these EDRs, or black boxes, and their practical, investigative and legal uses.

Topics will include EDR technology, as well as the role it plays in crash reconstruction, automobile damage evaluation and body shop investigations.

Insurance defense attorney and anti-fraud authority Jon Colman adds his insights on the legal and tactical use of EDR data. He’ll also discuss how black box records can help determine liability and provide evidence of fraud, as well as be a valuable tool in examinations under oath and in planning and taking depositions.

Attend the training
Anti-Fraud Alliance
Tuesday, 12/8/2020
9:00 – 11:30 a.m. PDT
Register for the online event

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