Don’t miss a panel of insurance fraud experts, including Los Angeles attorney Jon Colman, as they discuss new threats and developments in the industry. They will appear at the 2023 national IASIU Conference in Dallas this September.
Jon represents his firm, Colman Perkins Law Group, which for more than 30 years has specialized in insurance fraud prevention, education and defense.
We invite you to join us at the conference, an event we look forward to every year. And put us on your schedule for the Tuesday morning legal update panel. You’ll discover trends and legislative changes that impact our SIU profession.
Legal Update breakout session
Tuesday, Sept. 19
10:40 AM-12:30 PM CT
Dallas Ballroom BC
Supporting the community
Colman Perkins Law Group is proud to sponsor the pre-conference golf tournament. This charity event will benefit the Dallas Assist the Officer Foundation, a group that provides financial support to injured or ill law enforcement officers and their families.
Find out more about the IASIU Conference
September 17 – 20, 2023
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
400 Olive Street
Dallas, Texas
Learn more about CPLG
Our verdicts
Our clients
Founder Jon Colman
Fraud prevention training